Archive | May 2014

Recycled Treasures as Plant Containers

toolbox flowers

Now that Mother’s Day is past and so hopefully is the threat of snow and frost, our thoughts turn to colorful annuals to brighten our landscapes. Who can resist just one more six pack of pink petunias? Ah, but reality bites when you get home and wonder where on earth you’re going to plant these guys.

Coal bucket flowers

Late last winter while dreaming of spring, I decided I needed some additional plant containers, however, I wasn’t too keen on spending a bunch of money. In our barns, we have all kinds of treasures (aka worn out junk) that with a little work, had potential to be just wanted I needed. I found an old coal bucket that had seen better days, an old tool box that fits on an even older tractor, and an actual flower container that once held flowers from a funeral several years ago. After a bit a cleaning and sanding, I gave them new life with a few coats of spray paint that I had found sale at a local hardware store. As you can see, they will serve me well this summer.

flower pot

In addition to my plant containers, I found an old plant stand that I had a billion years ago back when I was single. It also needed a ton of work, but I thought it had real possibilities as a bird feeder/waterer/entertainment center. My husband added metal legs to the bottom of it to secure it in the ground and keep the wind from blowing it over. I’m still looking for some wide-mouth cups or cans or perhaps lids to glue to the metal trays to use for water and bird seed.

unfinished plant stand

Have some fun and look for some unique flower containers you might have around the house or sheds. Old boots make great flower pots…just make sure your husband is truly ready to part with them!

Happy Spring!                                                                         plant stand